Hi Parents, may I ask if anyone had high BP and protein in urine during their pregnancy? I’m in my 1st trimester (coming 11 weeks) and doc prescribed me with high BP and aspirin medication. I was diagnosed with pre-eclampsia post-delivery for my firstborn. I’m worried because whatever I eat becomes baby’s food which means all the medication will be ingested by baby, poor thing. 😣 Anyone has ever tried home remedies to manage your BP and protein in urine? #pleasehelp #advicepls
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Hi Mummies, first time mom here.. pls pls pls share with me how do you keep your expressed breastmilk if you’re out for 12hrs with no access to freezer or fridge? I’m working in an office which do not have access to any of those and I’m using milk storage bags to pump out my breastmilk. I’ll leave house at 7-ish in the morning and be back home around 7-ish in the evening. And I need to pump 2 times at least in a 12-hr period if baby is not latching. Autumnz ice packs? V-cool ice bricks? A good cooler bag? Buy an ice maker and put in office? Buy a mini fridge? Help please, going back to work in March. 😭 #1stimemom #breastpump #breastmilkstorage #backtowork #milkstorage #milkstoragebag #milkstoragetips
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Hello all, is this poop texture and colour normal or it’s diarrhea? It’s really runny and watery. My 1 month old started pooping only once a day a few days back and when she does, it’s a poonami and watery. She is on mixed feeding, currently 70-90ml of bottle-fed breastmilk (previously more direct latch but I googled about foremilk and hindmilk and baby drinks more foremilk and caused her gassy stomach) during day time and 60-90ml S26 formula throughout the night. Previously her stool was normal since she was born. And she used to poop a few times a day. Recently only once a day. Getting worried here. Could it be possible that it’s my breastmilk?? 😣 any advise would be much appreciated please!! Thank you in advance! 😭🙏🏻#1stimemom #firstbaby #advicepls #breasfeedingmom
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