Planning for another child

With omicron and covid around, do you plan to have another baby? Or wait for a few years?

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Need to depend on your age, whthr you can wait longer (for health wise). The older we get, the tougher to handle or keep up with young kids' energy. Not saying tough, but thr'll be some physical challenges. I am thankfuI that I am still strong enough to handle 2 young children. I was worried like you, but I gave birth during the pandemic and to me was normal. Jz took some precautions like limiting myself to not go out so much bcz i wasn't vaccinated. My baby is now jz turned 1 year old. He is such a blessing and joy. My firstborn now have a friend to play with. Jz go with the flow🌻

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Hello dear , as we thought the same in 2019 as corona there can’t handle abt pregnancy n newbie .. but do u think is there any end for this, it’s unpredictable. But i unknowingly conceived and now I have 4 months old baby .. everything done very normal . One thing is unable to go to my parents of the current situation. With partners help coping well so far . So don’t doubt just go with the flow . Tc

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Closed shop so my answer might not be relevant but in my opinion should wait if your age and situation allows. My baby is covid baby and I think he is quite poor thing 😅 A lot of places cannot go a lot of things cannot do.

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I think weather have covid of omicron, those who want a baby will still try for it. things are unpredictable. I had my no 2 during covid period.he is now 15 mths ☺️

I'm thankfully not in the affected industries so I don't see a reason to detail my family planning. I think my age is a more pressing problem.


Unfortunately covid is going to be around for a while longer than we intend it to be. My age is catching up so we popped our #2 already


really don't know when this pandemic will be over. just let nature take it's own course. we have to learn to live with it..

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I think if you want to have another baby just go with it :) I don’t think covid will be gone soon.

depends on where you are in your life. if older then probably don’t wait too long

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This virus is here to stay. Advise is don’t plan and let it come naturally.