Should I sent baby to infant care?
With the covid around and the likely surges in omicron, I am wondering if I should send baby to infant care in Jan. To all parents out there, what do you think? Any advices?

If there’s family members that can help to take care will be better to let them stay home. If there’s nobody that can help, schools are definitely fine for little ones :) as past 2 years I think most of the schools have experience with handling the safety measures.
Do you have option like someone to take care of ur kid at home then better to keep at home only . But how long we keep them at home it’s been 3 years already , as school are taking very good precautions now a days so can be ok to send them as of my thought .
As much as i am worried, i do not have much of a choice because from day 1, i dun have any help apart from my hubby. Mine is also going ifc in jan and yes, we will send because we dont hv alternatives at all.
live as per normal unless you can afford to stay home take care yourself with or without Covid, IFC or Childcare is always my 1st choice
I'm also sending my baby to IFC in Jan. He's only 3mo. But no choice. We have to work.
This is so true… hope this covid faster ends!
If no option with parents can, else better choice is family
I’m sending in March. I have no alternatives
I have learn to live with it. 😔