How beautiful another woman is

My Wife has some very beautiful friends and she gets very angry when I tell her that they are pretty. Why does she get angry. I love her and think she is pretty too. But it’s like she can’t accept me finding anyone else prettier or beautiful too. I am not about to cheat on her and she knows that

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Well, the mind of a woman works differently from that of a man. There's no excuse I can give you except for the simple fact that it's just our hormones and human nature! Of course, it's more than likely that someone is prettier than your wife/me/any woman in the world, but when we're in a relationship with/married to someone, we kinda just want to be the only woman our man looks at. That's not possible unless you blindfold yourself or wear a cardboard box around your head all day, but we just want the focus of our partner's attention on us instead :) When it comes to friends, we can become sensitive especially when our partner compliments them. It might be a casual remark to you, but sometimes it feels like "does he like my friend better than me? what does she have that I don't? am I not as pretty as her? how do I be more like her? will my partner end up going to her because she's better than me?" to us :/ It's hard for anyone to admit, but sometimes we do compare ourselves even to the closest of our friends - and there's a point in each woman's life that we can get upset from that comparison of "why does she have it all and I don't?"

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