Why my LO everytime will have flash red face, clench fist and leg bend to his tummy making alot of sound like very uncomfortable. He keep being hungry and whenever I try to put him down he vomitted the milk and then ask for milk again. I don't know is it growth spout or colic. Seeing him feeling this way make me heart pain. He didn't manage to sleep well too. He is just 3 weeks going to 4 weeks.

My lo was like that. She had colic for 2mths. I have to massage her tummy repeatedly in a day. Burp her throughout the day. Put oil on her tummy, calves and feet. I feed her ridwind/gripewater on alternate days. Try not to put him down immediately after feed, i wait till 30mins passed. Then I let her sleep on tummy (supervised), she feels better.
Read moreGrowth spurt plus colic. Put oil for baby and try to massage. U can consider wearing baby in a ring sling to help u carry him longer upright and giving u hands free. Don't go for baby carriers because baby is still too small and ringsling is the most comfortable and suited for him and relatively easy to learn
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Most likely colic, put some oil on his belly button. That will help relieve gas. You can also do the colic massage. Colic massge i did it myself, test and proven, it works wonders.
Vomiting of milk is definitely not growth spurt. I actually think he is having regurgitation instead of colic. U might want to bring him to the pd for check
Colic. Carry baby upright. You can gently massage his tummy and legs (bicycle motion) to help him release the gas.
Colic! carry baby upright. massage his tummy and give him colicdrops to ease the comfort and pain