Which brand of diapers are you all using? I had used peekapoo since birth for my LO but her size is currently OOS. I am thinking of getting offspring diapers or other brands for the time being.

I've been using peekapoo too for my baby since birth, whenever peekapoo oos, i find that huggies platinum or gold is slightly nearer to peekapoo. U can try merries or offsring too.
offspring works well for me, holds pee well, my baby using size S. poo not so good, might leak sometimes if didn’t wear properly
i find that it’s okay, depending on how much your baby will pee during the night also, my lo don’t pee that much at night but when she does it’s fine too. i change her every 6-7hrs max even if she’s sleeping or if it still can hold to minimise the risk of irritating the skin 😅 so far no rash/pee leakage issue
Huggies platinum is good! For offspring there is no urine indicator
Okay, will test try a few brands. Thank you 💕
Pampers premium. Good for sensitive skin and no leak.
Thank you 💕
Mamypoko airfit! 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
I'm using off spring for day and merries for night.
Okay, thank you!
pampers and huggies
huggies platinum
Merries and rascal
Thank you so much! 💕
Got a bun in the oven