OFFSPRING question

Hi to mommies that uses offspring diapers! How many packets of small size diapers did you all go through before transiting to medium size? Should I get medium size tape + pants or just tape alone? How old is your baby when your baby is able to wear medium size? And how many medium size diapers should I get as well? Thank you in advance!

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Not using offspring diapers but can refer to the baby growth chart for the weight in 50th percentile to estimate the age. Multiply by the frequency of change. For eg, I change my baby once every 3 hours, ie 8 diapers per day * (days in a month till max weight of diaper)


Previously using offspring. Sizes depend on baby. Nb 1 packet switch to S. 3 month old use M tape. Use pants only when travelling. And when baby can stand with support.

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