Whenever the bottle teat is close to LO's mouth, she will fake a vomit till she vomits out something. It doesn't happen everytime. Most of the time she's ok with it. I feed her when it is the next feeding time and sometime this happen i don't know why..

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Hi Iris, currently she is doing ok. She is taking the bottle well. I guess is due the smell of the bottle so i sterilized and washed w soap again and she's all good. I didnt bring her to PD at all. Maybe you can try to do my method?

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Hi Yueh Ru, i was reading your posting and this happened to my LO lately. May I know how's she doing now ? I don't know if I should bring her to PD to check on her on the vomiting.

Could it be baby does not want to drink? Its more of gagging, it could also be as simple as baby learned something new and is exploring in her own way.

8y ago

couldnt be. its been so long alr how can she not drink? if i just put the teat it her mouth then she will start drinking.

Seems your baby is learning gag reflex. Is the teat too long? Did baby use tongue to push away the teat?

8y ago

she is 1 yo and this just happen lately


Change teat and try.