When you cannot breastfeed your child, do you prefer give him formula milk or find a breastmilk donor?

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I am not trying to judge, however I will avoid giving my baby donated breastmilk as I do not know how is the donor's diets (consume coffee)? is the donor a smoker? is it free from diseases? Is the donor practice highest hygiene level while handling her milk? Is it really safe?  In Singapore, there is no breastmilk bank yet and mother can donated milk from donors offered in online forum. Unlike in USA, breastmilk bank such as OhioHealth Mothers’ Milk Bank has screened through all the donors' profile and health issues before banking. Thus, I will recommend you to feed formula milk to reduce the risks that I have mentioned above.

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7y ago

No impact, coffee is fine.

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I have no problems breastfeeding, but if I could not produce breastmilk, I wouldn't use donated breastmilk. I am uncomfortable with the idea of my baby drinking someone else's breast milk, so I would exhaust all means to breastfeed before turning to formula. Donated breast milk is risky because there's a chance that the donor has underlying medical issues which she herself might not be aware of. It's also customised to her own baby and might not be suitable for yours. If you really want to get donated breast milk, try to get it from a donor whose baby is similar in age to yours.

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Well! If a breastfeed donor is easily available then why not but if that is not the case then there is no option but to give formula milk. I myself would get a little hitch in feeding my baby someone else's breast milk but if I look at the other aspects like my baby's strong immunity depends on it, I would let my inhibition rest for her sake.

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I will give formula milk as its more reliable and readily available. Both my kids on friso and feeding well. U can ask for samples to let baby try. I believe ur baby is still small. U can consider formula milk as it is still a main source of nutrients for their bones and teeth.

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I will give formula milk instead as i don't know where the donor milk be from and it's diet and everything. If anything were to be wrong, i also don't wish to blame it on the donor milk.

i will give formula Milk instead . because i believe bb also can benefit from FM milk too. so as a mummy dun wan to stress my body too if really no breastmilk..

I gave my kid donated milk by my own Sister. I used to be a breastmilk donator too and feed up to six kids once.

Formula milk. Personal preference.

I will give fm