2 Replies

could it be that they are not the kind who express their concern out loud? my mil loves my kids n she is the kind who buy stuff unnecessarily for them and play with them. but feeding etc is still done by me as my kids only want me. during my pregnancy they also don't ask abt my health or if I have eaten whereas my mum will check on me, cook bird nest etc. I think it's ok as I'm not their daughter and they may not know what I like and does not show the same affection as our own parents. as long as there is mutual respect and understanding its fine. sometimes we adjust our expectations and we will feel better. ps. I don't ask if they have eaten well either before I'm pregnant so I don't expect it from them regardless whether I'm preg or not

You should speak this with your spouse and let him know how you feel about his parents. Esp. now that you are carrying your 2nd child. The focus and attention diverts to the 1st child. And they ignore you totally without being sensitive neither caring for you. All this while, have your husband also notice the reaction that your in law has given you? Have you also try to do a nice approach of what you feel and think towards your in law? Since you are pregnant, do not feel stress and pain too much as this will affect you and your baby. Always try to be positive, take a breather and calm yourself each time you feel low and down. Take care ❤

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