When does baby go for all her vaccination?

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The first vaccination your baby will have is in the hospital. BCG on either thighs or buttocks. Following that, it's a series of vaccinations, some compulsory and some voluntary. For Singapore citizen babies, compulsory vaccinations are free at polyclinics. Babies have many vaccinations to take, especially in their first year. https://www.nhgp.com.sg/Our_Services/General_Medical_Services/Child_Health_Services/

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Making sure that your baby gets vaccinated on time is essential. Singapore government has a schedule to guide mothers and doctors about which vaccination should be given when. You can take a look at it here: http://www.hpb.gov.sg/HOPPortal/gamesandtools-article/3216

i brought baby to polyclinic cos i got 4 kids. bringing to private gp is super costly. jabs are basically the same except done by different people. going polyclinic is definitely cost saving for family. i feel u ahould save extra money for rainy season.

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Mine are all done in polyclinics as they are FOC. Moreover, the nurses who does the vaccines there are all very experienced as they do it almost everyday. The only thing I don't like is the waiting time.

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My kids goes to GP and polyclinic 1st 2 to GP then last 2 to polyclinic cos it's FOC. Rather save the money for something else. To me, injections are all the same except done by nurses or doctors.

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The health booklet has all the details on vaccinations - timing and description.

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Here's the list from the health promotion board website.

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Taken from polyclinic

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Some pd . Some polyclinic