Conflicting parenting opinions with in laws
Hi, When it comes to parenting, my in laws are always want to have a say / telling us that we should do this, not that. Because what we do is wrong and always commenting that we, as ‘小孩子-Young kids’ don’t know anything. In laws are very traditional Chinese ppl who always think they are never wrong. Don’t believe that times have changed and new age parenting methods are completely diff now. How mummies and daddies, howwww? 2 more years for our flat to be ready, alr want to move out so badly :(

Yes generation gap is always like this. I would talk to in laws personally tag along with my husband , like how I heart to heart talk to my mom. My mom is quite traditional too. * if you are ok with them* I said it’s the same, when you were just become parent for the First time. You don’t know anything, after years n years. You learn by experience. Or taking care of your own younger siblings etc. From your own parents / grandparents. Like how you are right now. Same goes as me.. I would take advices from elderly or experienced parents but it’s my decision to think or do or feel what is right for my kid(s). The parenting style definitely different now... but we still mean good for our children. Nobody born perfect or straight away good at parenting skills. I would ask questions to you or to my mom, if I don’t know anything or doesn’t feel right. So don’t worry. If you think I’m always a young kid to you. Then tbh why married to each other n have kids? And I would always depend on someone just say “ok you do this n that “ but I would never understand what is the purpose of doing it. And it will make us feel we are useless parents. Definitely you will keep mentioning “you still young” 😒😒😒 Ps. Try not to argue with in laws. 🤪 If In laws are still being stubborn, I will still ignore and do my thing. Which parents will harm own kids anyway. ( unless mental illness etc ) & let your husband deal with it.
Read moreAlthough I do not stay with my in-laws, anything related to them I will ask my hubby to talk to them. My FIL is the type of person always think he is correct, he knows everything. I know this type of people are difficult to talk to. Cos they simply dont listen to others!
I just be selective lor. What I feel is right then I do. Normally I just smile and nod, then do it my way. Anyway my in laws are ok. Is those random aunties always commenting so I usually just ignore haha
Bear with them or ignore, both are hard though Hubby must have same thinking as yours and let him be the spoke person
If it gets annoying the solution is to move out first. It could indirectly affect your marriage.
Just one ear in one ear out. Dont rely on them to take care of the child.
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for me I'll ignore