When can we start doing tummy time for young babies?

You can start tummy time during Day 1. I started my babies' tummy time by placing them on my chest. Subsequently, I moved baby to do tummy time on the bed. How Much Tummy Time and When: http://www.babble.com/baby/tummy-time-101/ The current recommendation for time on the tummy is approximately 30 minutes a day, either all at once or broken up into short segments ranging from a few minutes to longer. Engage Baby in tummy time when she’s content and alert. It is important not to insist on it if she’s fussy: Forcing the issue will cause Baby to negatively associate this tummy time with being unhappy. Try again later when Baby is calm and willing.
Read moreI didn't know that you can start pretty early and it wasn't easy seeing her struggling on her tummy, but the pediatrician told me that you can start pretty early, like 1 month old for 10 minutes 3 times a day. After one week she was kind of steady. At 2 MONTHS OLD she was already rolling from back to tummy and few days later she began to lift her shoulders and head very steady.
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Aim for around 20 to 30 minutes a day of baby tummy time by the time he is 3 or 4 months old. Then keep the practice up until baby can roll over on his own, a feat many babies accomplish around 6 or 7 months of age.
You can start from week 1. You can read more here: http://sg.theasianparent.com/tummy-time-for-baby-basics/