2 Replies

Swetha....you HUG HER :) i know you may feel worried for her and raise your voice, but your little one is telling you the best way to bond with her - to hug her :) my 3 year old does the same. when she knows she is doing something naughty and i look at her, she immediately runs up to me and gives me a hug. and i pick her up, give her a tight hug and kiss and tell her no more naughty, even though i know she will do the same thing within 5 minutes :D don't raise your voice at her. this is her time to make mistakes, do all the naughty things that she possibly can, learn from them, cry and come to mamma and know that mamma loves her. let her learn herself without you having to teach her everything. but make sure you supervise her. also, if she already tells you not to yell, it is a wonderful sign that she herself being a 3 year old does not raise a tantrum!

Thank you so much dear.

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