heavy sleeper

whats wrong with me, the whole day today I keep sleeping and tired easily. im 17weeks 4days

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🤭 🤭 🤭 It's normal.. Tidur lah puas2 x de siapa nak marah.. nanti baby dh keluar x dpt nk tido macam princess dahhh...

Me tooooo!!! Petang blk kerja jeee mesti penat yg teramat. Risau juga. Tp penat sgt so layan kan ajeee. Lg2 cuaca kt luar panas.....

5y ago

me also 17 weeks but 6 days..tired tired & sleepy 😆

high five!!! me toooooo. feel bad. feel super lazy. i hope my husband doesnt get upset due to this 😅😅

VIP Member

I was so lazy my ex husband said that i am like a queen 👑👑👑👑

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Mee toooo. Hahahahaha tidoooorrr je. Malam berjaga😭😭😭

VIP Member

hahaha. .. it's not just you...

i cant avoid it 😅