First words

What's your baby's first word?

First words
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i don't know but when she was 5mos she learn to say milk but after wards she dont know it but since she's growing she's always saying papa dada like that until she get 1 , but now im pround of her because she can sing and say words.

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Baba at the age of 5 mos. But now his 1 year/26 days he can only say ate, tita, tata, eat, dirty all words that have letter T 🤗 but never say MAMA, MOMMY, MA 🤦🏻‍♀️

Apart from the usual baba n mama. My boy's real first word is "Baobei"

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My first child said "mama" first; then my second child said "dada" first

My baby not out yet haha but it hope mama would be the first word!

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mine just said hers and it was "no"

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Papa and aga (Short of eat bulaga) kaya "aga) Also mama din

Baba baba baba.. When agitated, MAMA MAMA!

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No and two years later it is still her favourite word