What type and brands of cereal would mummies recommend for 6 months old baby?

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Gerber Brand cereal. It comes with multigrain cereals as well with natural flavouring of variety such as Apple, blueberry, banana and peach etc. My lo likes it very much. :)
I gave cerelac plain rice flavour (which taste like plain porridge) Friso I gave later cause it is sweeter. I dislike The taste of HIPP ... taste like plastic to me
Hi. You may find this article useful: https://sg.theasianparent.com/getting-started-on-solid-food-with-infant-cereals
Friso rice cereal as my baby was drinking friso milk . so taste wise will be close.
nestle cereal is loaded with sugar. why not try fruit puree or vege puree?
HIPP, Bellamy followed by Gerber Rice Cereal
Healthy times brown rice cereal
Healthy times. And I love it.
HIPP rice cereal