Your baby is ready to bond with you from birth. You can bond through touch, talking, playing and getting involved in daily care. You can look after your partner and relationship by being positive, supportive and ready to negotiate. It’s important to look after yourself too. Get hands on, dressing, nappy change, bathing, playing, Learn and observe baby's cue. Babies give ‘cues’ or signals to what they need through their behaviour and body language. By really paying attention to your baby’s cues, over time you’ll learn how to work. Connect through touch. Talk to your baby as often as you can. One on one time is important too. You will be an expert soon! Welcome to parent hood bro! You'll do great!
If you have a confinement nanny, learn all the baby care (how to bath, feed, burp etc.) you can from her. After the first month, it's really just you vs the baby :)
Desmond Chang