Baby’s prep
At which month do you all start buying stuffs for baby and preparing for his or her arrival? What are the first few things that needs to get settled? Is there any checklist where i can follow because i really have no idea what I’m supposed to get first. I’m gonna find out my baby’s gender this Friday and planning to get some stuff for my baby after that. Im at 20 weeks. Is it too early to prepare and buy baby’s stuff? #pregnancy #advicepls #theasianparentph

I follow what my mum always says. Only start buying baby's stuff from the 7th-8th mth onwards. You'll never know what's gonna happen. Nauzubillah This is not my 1st pregnancy and normally I'll wait for my nesting instinct 1st to declutter the space for baby's stuff & will only buy the stuff @ around 32 wks. Don't buy too many baby's clothes as NB grows really fast. Same with NB diapers. I normally will buy about a few pcs of NB clothes then the rest is for 3 mths onwards. For sure you'll rcv baby presents that includes clothes all so ya no need to buy many. Towels & bath tub which you will need once baby goes home to bath. Mittens, booties, cap if needed and swaddles. Breastpump if you ever need to pump. Milk bottles buy the 125ml straight cos you'll be using that more. Don't waste on buying the 60 ml bottles cos you'll only use it for a while then your NB will increase it's feed. Don't forget minyak telon.
Read moreI only started buying in the 3rd trimester, starting frm the big ticket items first like stroller, car seat, crib, UV steriliser & pump. During 2nd trimester, take time to do ur research first and compare prices. I managed to snag great promos during Taka sale (more rebates/discount if u're a member) and other sale events like 12.12. So far alot of my small baby items are frm Shopee & Singsale (look out for better quality instant swaddles & clothes by Aussie brands which are much cheaper than what are being retailed here). Oh, do sign up for diaper samples too! Don't buy too many NB diapers as they tend to grow v fast and u won't know which one suits ur baby best yet. For me I didn't even buy any NB sized diapers, just relying on the samples and packs given by my friend whose baby had outgrown hers 😅
Read moreHello! Riding on this thread cause I have not purchased any baby stuff as well. I'm currently 31 weeks but don't have the mood to buy baby stuff yet. 😅 I think will wait for end of the year sale or 12.12 to get some stuff. I am planning to get the essentials like bathtub, cot, baby toiletries and balms, baby detergent, some nb clothes (not too many cause they grow really fast), towels, some swaddles, nursing cover and cupboard for baby clothes and stuff. I will only be getting carrier and stroller after baby is out, but it's good to go around to see what you might like. I agree, buying too early might clutter and you might get a better deal later or there will be new baby stuff! Hope this helps!
Read moreI bought stuff around week 31, buy too early clutter space