
What part of marriage life do u dislike? Personally for me i dislike the whole dealing with inlaws and such kinda situation. Anyone feel the same?

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My in-laws never ask that I do housework for them, my parents taught me to do for them to show them that I am brought up well. But sometimes things happen and you gradually lose respect for them. So right now, I only clean up my room, wash me and husband laundry, and have made myself explicitly clear that my responsibilities will only be towards my husband, because it gets complicated once I start caring for everyone and they take it for granted. It's not that I dont want to respect them, but their actions and words made me lose it. Our relationship now is more like tenants than family, which I prefer to keep it that way, it makes me handle my emotions easier, I dont want to give so much effort and something really tiny happens, I get the backlash out of nowhere even though I'm not involved at all.

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5y ago

Same here. However mine was slightly different, my MIL set down the expectation that taking care of the household plus laundry is a must. So when I did clean, they started taking it for granted. When I was busy and couldn’t spare the time to clean, she started gossiping to her friends and family that I was a bad DIL etc. She still demands for money monthly. So, we are cutting her off asap

Same dealing in laws. They always have their own thinking. Nags, and sometimes they always commented me and telling keep how to take care of my child. Which is intolerable.... hub also sometimes not supportive. Nv feel warm in this family

5y ago

Same sis... in law problems very tiring

I suppose I don't like family gathering much. My in-laws are great. There are some extended family member I don't get along much.

VIP Member

Generally ok, but we quarrel about taking care of baby and overlook ourself and our relationship

VIP Member

So far nothing much but I think commitment and keeping the relationship is impt

VIP Member

Yes definitely. Dealing with toxic relatives can b very taxing and effect our marriege

5y ago

Yup.... understand... there are many people who behave very toxic with their relatives

When your relationship becomes more than just you and her and includes family.

Yes dealing with in laws. Who keep insisting us to go back every weekends.

Inhaling each other’s farts cos we’re too lazy to move away

VIP Member

I personally say this marriage life only problem but no choice