What natural remedies are there for hand foot and mouth disease? Has anyone tried coconut oil or tumeric for sores?

Soothing alkaline soup for painful mouths - Dice 3 carrots, 3 zucchini, 3 stalks of celery (not leaves), and a handful of green beans. Place in enamel pan and cover with spring water on top of stove. Bring to a low boil. Skim off any scum that rises to the top. Simmer partially covered 5 minutes. Remove from heat - steep 5 minutes. Remove vegs, retain the liquid broth. Sip broth. Also use to rinse mouth. Good 2-3 days in fridge/2 mos. if frozen. Alkaline heals mouth ulcers and cures mouth pains
Read moreNot too sure about benefits of turmeric on HFMD but when I was young, my late grandma would use turmeric paste on small cuts and wounds because she said it helps "the skin close up faster". Upon research, I read that curcumin, the therapeutic component of turmeric shows anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties which helps in fast healing and prevention of scars. Perhaps you could try it after the HFMD has subsided so that the sores do not leave behind scars?
Read moreYes, coconut oil has antiviral properties and it can be used as a salve and also can be put in the bathing water of the child. Coconut oil can be applied on the rashes as well. http://www.modernalternativehealth.com/2012/03/31/natural-remedies-for-hand-foot-and-mouth-disease/ http://fromfaye.com/2012/09/28/natural-treatments-for-hand-foot-and-mouth-disease/
Read moreMy daugther had HFMD before. What we did was offering cold beverages and ice pops to ease her pain in the mouth and throat. For blisters on hands and feet, I applied calamine lotion for her to soothe the pain. Try to let the child drink more vitamin C water to let the body heals faster and build up the immune system during HFMD.
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soak baby in breastmilk bath - the milk is cooling for the blisters. also drink barley water (boil barley with water) and drink green bean soup.