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What's the most irritating thing you ever heard about you upbringing your kid? From who? For me I hate it when relative especially close one made the comment that my baby is not fat not heavy etc claiming I must formula feed my baby ???

I stop breastfeed when my lo hit 4months plus. When he was 7months, he got bronchitis and some will said.. He was sick cause I put him at infant Care and stop breastfeed...really irritating. Many saying that and made me doubt is it me? Omg.. That's the most hell moment. But hubby keep telling me.. There is no need to explain anything to anyone. Cause they don't know and won't know our situation.
Read moreWell, I usually reply back with the same old sentence to any critisicm or comments towards me bringing up my baby. "Ya lor I agree too. You free? Help me take care can? I want go vacation" They will usually change subject
Read moreHahaha! Actually most things that other ppl say abt how i bring up my kid is irritating.. oops. From the way i carry, bathe, feed or whatever. All will be questioned but i will just swallow what they said. Haizzz
I think every mummy got their own ways to bring up their own kids.
What I always got from mil is, baby can't poop because I don eat enough vege, baby colic because I eat brocoli, baby keep drinking hourly because my milk supply not enough ( poke my boob see soft or hard) 🙄.
Omg that's so irritating!
I usually get “Why are you breastfeeding and not feeding formula?”, “Why are you not giving water to your newborn?”, “Why are you so worried/paranoid?”...
Same here!
How much we care or nurture our kid some criticism wil come from relatives so just ignore it . Let they grow as happy as they r ..
Aiya, why you care about their opinions? It’s your kid, not theirs. So how your kid looks, is your problem, not theirs.
My own mother & grandma kept telling not to breast feed baby. So troublesome... Cannot drink wine for confinement...
Actually you can drink dom. No issue and those wine after cooking is good!
Yes it is very irritating. But I have learnt to ignore these comments as they add no value
From my mum, saying confinement food is too heaty therefore baby have stomachache
Please ignore these comments. Breast milk is the best for your baby if you have supply.
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