what do u give your baby at 6months?
What do u give your baby at 6 months and how much portion? I gave cerelac and my baby likes it. I try to give those organic puree sold outside my baby doesnt like it. I did avocado puree too but my baby doesnt likes it too. How and what shld i do?😭

Need to keep trying! :) Before 1 year old, main source of nutrients is still breastmilk or formula milk. So if your baby starts out not liking solids, it's normal. Does your baby seem like she wants to hold the spoon? If yes, you can try baby led weaning with her whereby she eats actual solid food immediately. I tried baby led weaning and traditional weaning with my daughter and she hates to touch food, so I went ahead feeding her purees and porridge. If your baby still doesn't like the purees, you can try mixing a bit of breastmilk/formula milk to the puree. Or change the texture, instead of puree, mash the food item instead.
Read moreI wouldn't give cerelac, it has a lot of refined sugar which is not good in large amount for small babies. Try mixing oat cereal with apple puree and breast milk/formula milk so it's a thin consistency. If baby prefers holding stuff, you can give a piece of banana, avocado or steamed apple (be sure to watch closely in case of choking)
Read moreApple puree Pear puree Prune puree Carrot puree Mashed bananas (can add milk for smoother consistency) Spinach and potato puree Babies may reject certain foods at first. Sometimes you need to try giving the same food more than 5x (different occasions) before they’re willing to accept it. Don’t give up:)
Read moreCerelac tend to be sweeter. You can give apple puree or banana puree. Avocado has a smell not all baby like it. What I did is I use rice cereal mix with avocado to give my baby. Or you can give porridge. I share some recipe on my IG @mummyjlife you can have a look to have so idea 😊
Gave my LO (steam & blended or smash) pumpkin, potato, carrot, salmon porridge which she likes it. Also tried baby spinach, apple porridge, avocado, banana. 2 times a day, about 1 tablespoon each time or till she rejects.
I started out with brown rice cerelac at 5m then change to plain porridge cause baby dont like it. Then slowly added in pumpkin then carrot into the porridge. My baby hates avocado puree. He will vomit all the food out. Haha.
Yes , my baby rejects a lot of food at first . It ended up in my mouth ... lols ! U can try next time and keep offering , dun giv up ! U may wanna mix cerelac and organic gerber oatmeal for a healthier choice ?
I gave gerbers cereal to begin with, cause cerelac is sweeter and thicker in consistency. Since she had started with less sweet things, she generally accepted all types of food with lesser trouble.
The recipe feature has so many great options under baby weaning recipes. You should check them out! :)
Hi, Try introducing puree made from sweet potato, pumpkin and berries