What is the best way to deal with a 2.5 year old throwing tantrums, especially in public? Will this be a phase that will pass?

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Yes it will be a phase that will pass. The best way is to try talking to your child first. Otherwise to ignore the tantrums and stoo everything you are doing and head home. It take consistency. It will also be very tiring especially when you are trying to run errands and everything has to be halted. Another good idea is to prevent the situation. For example, if going to get groceries is a constant battle. Before you jead out, talk to your child, bring along some toys or snacks. These can be a situation which may need intervention. Otherwise go groceries on other days. Or even if walking to the sweet aile, will cause a rukus, avoid it. This is trying to prevent the situation from happening. Here is a link for more details. http://www.parents.com/toddlers-preschoolers/discipline/tantrum/tame-your-kids-tantrums/ Dont forget, not everything can be prevented always. This perhaps may help to minimize the outburst instead.

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2.5 is really the toughest age. That’s why it’s called the terrible 2. She/he will get better in about 6 months. Hang in there. For me I handled the terrible 2s by ensuring she had enough sleep, was not over hungry and would tell her before hand exactly where we were going and what we were about to do. I realised staying away from surprises really helped her stay calm as she knew what to expect. I also made Sunday’s ice cream day. So if she behaved herself all week she would get an ice cream on Sunday.

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Give warning at home first. Than reward them if they did well.. If on the verge thier tantrums is coming, lightly remind them the promise they made at home. And if exploded in the public, bring them out of the scene and talk or scold them behind some where no one can see or hear In case being judge. Haha. Have to be firm and not give in because you think your face in public is at stack and give in to them. Don't give in. They will know. If they do, it will become a habit to them or they caught your weak spot.

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Welcome to the terrible two's stage. I'm experiencing this myself now too. What I do is, before we head out, I'll tell my lo in a stern manner to behave in public else she will be ''confined'' at home. But I believe kids forgets their promises after awhile, so I bring along her favourite toy, snack etc to "Pacify" her when we are in public. Worse comes to worse, I'll bring her to one area in public and allow her to vent all her unhappiness she has then I'll continue with whatever I need to do.

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The best way is to bring them away from the crowd. Let them throw their tantrums first before really telling them what's right and wrong. Lastly, distract them with something they like, like snacks, sweets, pacifier, their smelly pillow etc. And don't worry, it's a growing up phase and it will definitely grew out!

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Yes, this is only temporary. Don't worry. How long differs from individual. My kids also went through this. I pulled my kids to one area where it is not so many people and let them cry all they 1. Until they stop, then only I will talk to them. Speaking with them during this period would be more ideal.

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Wait till u see the 3 yr old plus at my childcare whose Mother kneels down on the floor every day for a good 10-15 minutes blocking other parents from sending in their child. Super protective to the brat who even slapped my Daughter on her chest when she was entering childcare one day in front of teacher.

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Thanks all for your helpful advice. When your children are at this throwing tantrum stage, do you bring them out for holidays?
