At what age should you give a phone to your kid?

I allowed my eldest daughter to have a phone when she was in her 4th year in elementary. I only let her use my old Nokia 3310, it was one of the latest models back then. She is now 22 years old. I had no worries that it can damage her eyesight because she can only play "Snakes" in it - plus, it was black and white! I regularly load it for emergency purposes only. However, for my youngest, who is currently in his 2nd year in college, I provided him a mobile when he was 1st year highschool. Gadgets nowadays are complete with full colored specs which could ruin your kid's eyesight at an early age. His friends would tease him for not having one but I did a good decision and I'm blessed because he acknowledged it. I had the numbers of his school teachers so I could immediately call them in times of emergency. I suggest if that's what worries you, provide your child with the old versions instead that are only capable of calling and texting. Especially today that almost all kinds of entertainment are present in smart phones, providing it to children can cause negative effects in his studies and interaction to people.
Read moreI had my a phone when I was in fifth grade, around 11 years old. I think that's enough age for my child to have his own phone as well. The need for telecommunication nowadays is inevitable, especially during emergencies.
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