We have one daughter who is now almost seven years old. My husband and I were very happy with just having one child, but are now really feeling that we want one more baby. The problem is that he is 42 and I am almost 40 and I am not sure if i should be planning a pregnancy at this stage. What age did you have your kids? Any mums out there who got pregnant in their 40s?

my mom had her 7th baby during her 40's. many people said having baby in your 40's is not good. some relative asked my mom to di abortion, some of them said its going to be end soon, alot of bad things. but the important thins is, your husband support. my dad said, this is what almighty god gave us, and we have to cherish and accept it with our heart. let people talk about it,what you need is to take care of yourself and stay healthy for you and your baby. and yes, no health condition, my mom was in great health and also the baby. but one thing for sure, need to check up your health 1st with the doc, ask for the doc advice since everybody is different. take care and good luck!
Read moreHey! I am in my late 30's and me and my husband are planning to have a baby. As long as you haven't run out of eggs, it's not too late! You definitely need to know that there are both plus and minuses to it, minuses of course is due to fertility issues and risk of complications that come along with ageing. But there are lot of positives too, in 40's you generally are more financially stable, more experienced and a more patient person. Also, with a grownup daughter, you will be able to focus more on your second child's upbringing. So don't worry at all, consult a doctor and just plan accordingly.
Read moreMy mum gave birth to my sister when she was 40. She had a smooth pregnancy and everything went well. My sister is also very healthy. You will probably experience exhaustion more easily due to your age but I don't think that is a big issue. I'm sure your daughter can help you out with some simple tasks. When my sister was born my brother was 10 and I was 16 and my mum was able to dedicate her time to look after my sister and even till today their bonding is rather strong. I'm sure you won't regret your decision to have another!
Read moreMy mom was 42 when she gave birth to my youngest brother who is now 16 years old.. and he was a 4.2kg baby! However, my mom was (and still is!) very opiniated and when doctors tried to tell her to take so many tests coz of her age, she brushed them off. Sometimes doctors tend to "scare" you due to your age.. trust your gut and let God do his magic.. i wish you good health and good luck!
Read moreI guess, it is all about how your biological clock is working, and how confident you yourself are in carrying a baby at this age, because there are people older than you who conceive and do it great. Age, as they say, is just in mind. The most important thing is, are you mentally totally ready. And if you are sure then go ahead. Consult your doctor and he will show you the way.
Read moreBrave mama! A friend of mine had her first at 43 and both baby and mummy are doing well. She shared that her pregnancy was tough though, due to energy levels, juggling work and multiple tests they had to do for a pregnant mum at that age. But all's well. It would be good to seek your doctor's opinion based on your health. Take care!
Read moreWell, you are a little older than normal to be thinking about having a baby now. But it is not uncommon to have a child post 40. If you are mentally prepared and both of you are confident of having the kid go ahead. Take advice and guidance from your doctor and if all is well then congratulations should be in order!! Good luck!
Read moremy father is almost 60 this year and he has a baby with a lady who i like to call a home wrecker. i dont know her age but im guessing its 30+. their due date is in feb while my due date is in may😒. so to answer ur question, yes u may have a baby but talk to ur doctor as their might be risks on u and ur baby.
Read moreAs long as you have the will, just go for 2nd child if your doctor gives green light based on your health condition. Since your no.1 is 7 years old already, she will be able to assist in some housework and taking basic care of the baby. I believe an additional new life will bring more joy to the family.
Read moreGo for it, if your healthy. I'm expecting my 3rd and I'm 40+....My husband and I are over the moon that I was able to conceive. I feel like a 25 yr old. Never got anyone's advice it just happened and I was told I'm carrying a v strong baby....super excited and so are my 2 boys...