What is the best way to reduce stretch marks after pregnancy?
What is the best way to reduce stretch marks after pregnancy?
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Applying moisturizer
Exfoliating your skin
Taking supplements
Special oils
Others, please share.

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Docter/nurse suka tanya perut cantik pakai ape. Sungguh,saya tak ada pakai ape² pun. Org kata kalau perut rasa gatal jangan garu. So,saya ikut je lah. Kalau gatal saya gosok² je guna tapak tangan 😅

VIP Member

All of above..try n error..until it disappear😂😂😂

VIP Member

guna cream natural ingredients.

sy tak pernah ada stretch marks

Regular and gentle massage

like virgin coconut oil

xde stretch marks...

VIP Member

Tidak menggaru

VIP Member

sapu losyen je

All the above