Sleeping on rocker

Will you wake you baby up if he fell asleep on the rocker to transfer him to cot/bed at night? Or let him sleep through?

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For safety is best to watch over the baby at the cot. This can also help to train the baby to sleep at the cot.


I would prefer my baby sleeps in his cot to instill a habit of where to sleep

Super Mum

Yup. I would do that. Not good for development if sleep in rocker for long.

Super Mum

Yes, I would transfer as rocker is not good for the posture for long hours.

VIP Member

Let him sleep deeper before transferring to his cot or bed

Yes i will for a while so that he can sleep peacefully :)

VIP Member

Yes, I will because rocker is not a proper bed

VIP Member

yes will carry them gently to transfer to cot

Yes, will carry them gently to the cot.


Cot or bed. Rocker is not safe