Is vaccination really that important for newborns? My friend hasn't got it done on her son and he seems to be doing fine. But as a soon-to-be mum, I am confused. Could somebody please advise.

What are the vaccines your baby needs? 1. BCG (Bacille-Calmette-Guerin) vaccine - offers partial protection against some forms of tuberculosis and leprosy. 2. DTP vaccine, also known as DTaP / DTwP (Diptheria and Tetanus Toxoids and Acellular/Whole Cell Pertussis Vaccine) – protects verus (1) diphtheria, an infection of the upper respiratory tract, which can lead to breathing difficulties and death; (2) tetanus, which causes rigid muscles and painful muscle spasms and can cause death; and (3) pertussis or whooping cough, which causes a cough that lasts 4 to 8 weeks and can be very dangerous in infants, causing pneumonia that leads to brain damage, seizures, and mental retardation. 3. Polio vaccine – Polio causes disability, usually characterized by a floppy limb or being unable to move.4. Hepatitis B vaccine – Children who contract hepatitis B can develop serious liver problems, such as cancer, when they’re older 5. Haemophilus influenzae type B (HiB) meningitis vaccine – Hib meningitis is a preventable disease, but very deadly. Children who do survive it end up with deafness, seizures, or mental retardation. ** Your doctor may offer you a pentavalent vaccine (five vaccines in one). This combines the diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (whooping cough), hepatitis B and HiB vaccines and is becoming more commonly available these days. 6. Pneumococoal conjugate (PCV) vaccine- Pneumococcal meningitis can develop long-term complications such as deafness or seizures, and is potentially fatal. Measles vaccine – protects against the ill effects of the disease, including malnutrition, poor mental development, and hearing and visual problems. Measles can also be fatal. 8. Rotavirus vaccine – Rotavirus is the leading cause of severe acute gastroenteritis (vomiting and severe diarrhea) among children worldwide. Severe rotavirus diarrhea is especially risky for children below 2 years old. 9. Varicella vaccine - protects against chickenpox, a highly contagious disease that is very uncomfortable and sometimes serious. 10. MMR (mumps, measles, and rubella) vaccine – This 3-in-one shot protects against the symptoms and complications of measles (can lead to ear infection, pneumonia, seizures (jerking and staring), brain damage, and death); mumps (can lead to deafness, meningitis (infection of the brain and spinal cord covering), painful swelling of the testicles or ovaries, rare cases of sterility; and rubella or German Measles, which is more likely to cause severe problems when it infects a pregnant woman, causing miscarriage or birth defects. 11. Hepatitis A (HAV) – Not all countries require a the Hep A vaccine, but in the Philippines were poor sanitation is commonly present, your child is better off protected. While most cases are mild, severe ones are life threatening. Hep A virus can be transmitted through contaminated food or water. 12. Influenza (flu) – From 6 months of age, your baby needs a flu vaccine every year. Scientists predict the most prevalent strains every year and the annual shot protects at least three different flu virus strains.
Read moreAs parents, we want to do everything possible to make sure our children are healthy and protected from preventable diseases and vaccination is the best way to do that. Vaccination protects children from serious illness and complications of vaccine-preventable diseases which can include amputation of an arm or leg, paralysis of limbs, hearing loss, convulsions, brain damage, and death. If an unvaccinated child is exposed to a disease germ, the child's body may not be strong enough to fight the disease. Vaccinations are safe and effective. All vaccines undergo long and careful review by scientists, doctors, and the federal government to make sure they are safe. So don't worry.
Read moreVaccinations are ready important for newborns because their immune systems are not developed and could get really sick if they contract illnesses which could have been prevented with vaccines. Understand that your friend hasn’t done it for her son and he is doing fine. But why take the chance? If something bad can be prevented in the first place and some vaccinations could last for a few years, it’s best to just go for it. If you do the mandatory vaccinations at the polyclinics, they are free. If you choose to give the optional ones too, they are still cheaper than private clinics. Polyclinic nurses are very experienced too.
Read moreIn my opinion. It’s better to have your newborn vaccinated to prevent from serious ilness. Your friend’s son seems to be ok right now but if he exposed to the virus that already mention in the comment before, it might have a serious effect compare to the already vaccinated one.
vaccines r very important. what works well for ur friend may not necessarily work with u as we all r different. pls don't be ignorant about the benefits of vaccines. spk to ur doctor if u have any doubts or Google search for which vaccines provide what help.
very important. there was a time when people stood in long lines and it made the newspapers when vaccines were invented. for example look up the history of Polio and what it can do to kids. you will understand why it is so important.
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yes it's very important to vaccinate your child, the child might be okay now however in the long run what problems will arise and cannot be rectified
My son didn't get the BCG vaccine they said it's out of stock and I'm so worried coz the vaccination is my 1st priority for my baby
yes its really important for a baby to be vaccinated to prevent and protect them from sickness and infections 🙏🏻😊