How old were you when you started trying to conceive?
How old were you when you started trying to conceive?
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18-22 years old
23-25 years old
26-30 years old
Others (please share comment below)

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ttc fighter 💪 4 thun penantian sbb sy pcos period xok. lps pkp sy berhenti kerja. sethun ddk rmh lpstu start kerja kilang tiba2 turun berat mendadak tahu2 je rezeki dh ada. alhamdulilah 22/3 ni sethun dh ank

VIP Member

tak plan pun, Alhamdulillah Allah bagi rezeki awal lepas kawen. Plan second anak ni dah payah da😅 walaupun xamek perancang. Org amek perancang lak mudah hamil. Allah sebaik2 perancang😊

start ttc umur 30thn... after 4yrs married, im pregnant!

X rancang.. Kahwin terus mengandung., rezeki Allah..

Tak plan lepas kawen Allah bg rezeki anak awal 🥰

VIP Member

I'm not ttc #TAPsupermoms #TAPactiveusers

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#TAPSupermoms #TAPactiveusers

33. sebab jodoh lewat. 🙈

VIP Member

im not ttc..

Super Mum

30 yrs pld