At what age do you start train your baby to sit?
At what age do you start train your baby to sit?
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4 months
5 months
6 months
7 months and above

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how to train baby to sit? I just asked my family this question. They said still too early for my boy. He's 4 months and want to sit but can't sit yet. thinking to train him to sit

anak saya nak masuk 3 bulan.. badan dia kuat dan keras.. bila bgi baring automatik nak bngun duduk.. kalau pegang dia bgi duduk , dia mmg seronok sgt 😂

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4 months. My baby develops so fast and want to sit around 4 months of age.

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6bulan lebih dh stabil. Tkprlu train diorg sndri y ikut rentak

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Theres no need to train baby to sit. 😅

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Tak pernah train. Dia belajar sendiri.

Super Mum

Not yet.. coz my baby is just 5m now.

Not yet. Baru nak masuk 4 bulan

7 month and above

tak pernah train