What is the first thing you do once you wake up?
What is the first thing you do once you wake up?
Voice your Opinion
Take a shower
Checking your phone
Continue sleeping
Do stretching
Others (please comment)

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Others : 5am, wake up went to the toilet, clean my self, take wudhuk and solat. After that, I dry my cloths, cook and then play HP while waiting for my children to wake up 😁

VIP Member

Smua d atas..kecuali smbung tdo... 😂😂😂✌Sbb ank pepg dh ajak mak ea layan main mainan dgn tgk ayah ea g kje n etc😉✌

Bangun terus kejutkan anak sekolah , kalau belum masak untuk bawak bekal suami biasa ke dapur dulu masak baru kejutkan anak .

VIP Member

check phone kot ada order masuk😆 pastu lalui seksa nak bangun dari katil dengan perut beso tu

Minum segelas air suam sebelum melaksanakan aktiviti harian yang lain.

bangun je, minum air kosong dlu.. bru relaxing, praying, then mandi

Searching for my husband, only then check phone to see what time

Super Mum

lyn si kcik dlu. .bgn2 bsoh btol susu kms ape ptt. 😁

Settle kan makan minum, mandi, tidur anak dulu

Check phone first to see kalau ada benda penting