What do you do when you go push for labor?

Is there any specific steps or breathing that is required

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Only push when they ask you to and NEVER lift your butt up while pushing if you don't want any serious tear. My cousin's wife end up with a 4 degree tear when she lifted her butt up while pushing. I gave birth 2 mths ago with no tear at all.

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follow the nurses. i remember she said to push and the only time to NOT push is at the crowning. DO NOT push then as it will cause tear. Just control yourself then and the baby will come out naturally without injuring yourself.

On nurses’ count! I remembered mine told me to push when there’s contractions coming, and she said the feeling is like pushing when constipated 😅 But it definitely wasn’t as easy as that

Usually they will say just need to Inhale and exhale normally, but you will be in tremendous pain when the contractions come, please remember to keep "pushing" e.g. pass motion

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the nurses will guide u along. follow their instructions.

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I follow nurse and push!