
Sy pregnant 8 minggu skg.. Td sy g toilet, ad lendir campur darah sikit time sy lap guna tisu.. Adakah itu normal?.. Sy sgt risau skg..semalam sy bru follow up dgn dktr, scan bby sume ok.. Hari ni jd cmni plak.. Ada sesiapa kena mcm sy ke.. ?

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Bed rest and talk to your baby. Tell your baby how much you love them. And pray for the baby to be strong and healthy. Sometimes, after doing ultrascan, it bleeds little bit. Pray your pregnancy goes well

5y ago

Tq so much dear.. I'll try to think positive.

Sme mcm sy..smpi skrnag sy kurangkn berjalan lepas tu bantal bwh kaki bg tinggi..ikot petua mak saya

5y ago

Sabar yea sis..nanti ada la rezeki tu..