Stay at home moms, do you dress down or dress up at home? Why? :-)

i wear whatever i want as long im always wearing cologne or look when mu husband sees me...and he hugs or cuddling least im prepared..hahahah...
i usually dress down as comfort is the most impt to me! but of course dont forget to look good when going out because it definitely help u to maintain your confidence level too
i wear sexy but comfortable clothes at home, eg. tank tops, short shorts and short tube dress. i also put on tinted lip gloss and spray cologne. it makes me feel good when i look good.
I wouldnt dress up if it's at home but I will look decent at least? Haha. But I will put on light make up and make sure my hair is neat.
definitely dress down and at my own comfort. no time for dress up. just tee and shorts. sometimes even go town also wear this way. lol.
I just go with what's comfortable for me. But most likely I tend to dress down.
I dress down most of the time. SAHM is really tiring.not easy. no time for myself.
tell me about it. i so can relate :)
Dress down at home. Usually just in my dressing gown all day. No make up.
i dress down . im too tired to dress up .. lol ..
Wife. Mom. Writer. Teacher.