
Can someone tell me which baby doesn’t cry? My son is only 6 months old. My fil keep telling him, you cannot cry okay? Why you always cry? Moreover I told him to let my son sleep himself inside the play pen, he doesn’t make any noise no need to keep watching over him. But he keep saying need ppl to be here. I told him I want him to be independent, else next time I can’t do my own things. So frustrated, hubby talk to him before but he stubborn not listening!!! What can I do??? So annoying man

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I was an infant teacher but true enough, we have to be there to look at the bast sleeping, you can go off but you need to constantly check on them. Maybe assure him that it will be alright, maybe purchase a baby sleeping monitor?

5y ago

Hi Dorothy, my playpen was place in the living room. Thus we can have our time to do our things when baby are sleep or playing on their own. But my fil is stubborn enough to stand there and watch over him or asking ppl to sit beside him to watch over him. Which I think is not necessary, I asked him to leave him alone cause I want him to be independent as well. But I can’t talk sense to him as he is Super stubborn maximum. ): sigh..... I will purchase a baby monitor to see if such things occurs again. If yes, I really have no say 😭