I am a terrible mother

I feel so sad because I love my son so much. But whenever I get upset when baby doesn’t sleep, or whatever reason, I just keep blurting everything that is in my mind out every time I’m in front of him and if I cannot really control it because if I tolerate I will explode even worst. I feel so bad that I’m throwing all my nonsense to my son but at the same time I’m just so tired. I love him so much I melt into a puddle of love whenever he looks at me and smile. How can I stop my nonsense in front of him. I couldn’t even tell my husband how I feel because he simply just doesn’t care. Hais

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Same.. especially when I’m angry with my husband. I tend to be rough with my daughter. I feel bad in that split second and immediately switch off the thought of venting it out on my precious baby. And I have to keep reminding myself diligently she’s just a baby, don’t understand anything at all. Don’t understand what’s yes or no. And definitely don’t understand what are the circumstances when she touches her bowl of porridge. Ahhhh I scold her for that yesterday, I felt so guilty. And she tried to reach for it again and I scolded her again and this time round she was shocked and looked at me 😳 then she cried for a minute which I had to calm her down. Poor thing lah.

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