Baby Feed
Should I wake baby up for feeding every 3 hrs?

The amount of sleep an infant gets at any one stretch of time is mostly ruled by hunger. Newborns will wake up and want to be fed about every 3-4 hours at first. Do not let your newborn sleep longer than 5 hours at a time in the first 5-6 weeks.
If baby’s more than 1 month old, during the day time, you can (train baby to recognise the difference between day and night).. but no need for night time. Just ensure that baby takes enough across the whole day (150-200ml/kg/day)
We had a premature baby, and was told to feed every 3 hours, and that if the baby doesn’t wake up after 4 hours, to wake the baby to feed. And we’ve been doing that.
Feed or latch on demand.. While sleeping they are also growing.. not to worry.. they will wake up for milk when they are hungry.. 😊
I wake my baby up every 3-4hours for feeding for the first month. Second month i latch on demand 🤗
Darling enjoy the peace and quiet and sleep...when baby is hungry they will wake worries
If your baby is not jaundice then you don't need to. Sleep is very impt for baby as well! :)
Feed when baby is awake. So that mummy can get more rest if baby happens to sleep longer~
If your child awake. I only feed when my child move or sucking his fingers
Yes .. my baby woke up like alarm for every 2 to 3 hrs for milk