Should i marry the guy who did this to me ?

He said he was sorry, he even cried and he even promised that he won't do it again. The reason i had that bruise was because that i caught him cheating on me when we were in a LDR. He didn't want to admit it and blamed it on me. On this 21st of Dec this year, i was suppose to be marrying this guy. Guess what, he did it again guys. Even though i gave him many chances, he took it for granted and he wasn't even sorry for it. He's a narcissists, abuser and also has anger managent. I already said its over and i cancel everything. I even blocked him on every socmed. But he kept calling my family, he said he was sorry again and he won't do it again and tears were falling. How on earth should i handle this type of guy ? Coz i have anxiety plus depression and if it includes this guy in my life, its a very messy life. #pleasehelp #advicepls #bantusharing #abuse #help

Should i marry the guy who did this to me ?
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i pun sebelum kahwin bf suka naik tangan. and i ingat dia berubah. tapi lepas kahwin dia still naik tangan. dan dalam masa sama I duduk dgn makayah mertua. diorang dpt tahu anak dia pukul i. terus ayah mertua panggil i. dia xmarah i tapi dia marah anak dia. dia cakap "Tak kira salah siapa, siapa mulakan ke, ayah taknak tahu pun. Kau ada nampak ke ayah pukul mak kau bila gaduh? Tak pernah kan? Kau pukul bini kau kenapa? Sedangkan makayah dia sendiri tak pernah naik tangan. Lepasni berulang lagi, ayah angkut bini kau g balai polis, ayah sendiri akan seret kau ke dalam. Tak kira kau anak aku ke tak. Salah tetap salah" Sejak dari situlahhh husb i terus berubah. Tak pernah sekali naik tangan pada i. I bersyukur sbb fmly mertua dia layan i dgn baik sgt². Dan asbab ayah mertua i bela i kes kena pukul dgn anak dia sndiri. terus anak dia xberani angkat tgn lagi pd i. Better u tinggalkan dear. Kalau u bernasib baik dia boleh ubah kira ok. tp kalau xboleh susah pd diri u dear. i tahu macam mana sakitnya tu kena pukul. Tp alhamdulillah allah buka pintu hati suami i. Sampai skrg dia xpernah naik tangan. Moga u jumpa lelaki yang baik ya dear.

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3mo ago

aduhaii terharu baca mertua sis baik sgt..huhuu

Red flags girl, I had an ex bf like this. we almost also engage but after what he did to me. he went out with my college mates even though I told that she is interested in him he ended up having good time with her disappeared for no reason and came back to me like nothing happen. he did also hit and blame it on me. I left him. now I'm more than happy with my current partner. think wisely sis, there's so many guy out there will appreciate u more and love u more than he did. I understand ur depression and anxiety life is messy and confusing. fly girl leave the cage u will know how strong u r. I'm happy I'm not fully heald from what happen but I'm waiting for my baby to be born. I'll be better mom.

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Haii girl , for me is btter please stay away from him.. coz i da ada pengalaman kena pukul n so on . banyak kali .. n banyak kali i da suruh berubah n dia berubah tapi dia tak berubah dengan ikhlas n berubah pn kejap je .. then buat balik . frst mmg cubit lempang lama2 dia buat i sampai jatuh tangga dia tolak . so i decide untuk stay away n tinggal kan dia . now tht boy da kwin but i thnk dia akan brubah bile dengan another girl n bukan dengan kita .. so pada pndpat i btter u cari kebahagiaan u wth other person yg sgt memahami n tak sakiti hati dan fizikal perempuan 😘😘 u strong girl ..

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Don’t, just ignore him, dear. You already blocked him, even if he’s trying to reach out to your family, just ignore him. Ask your family to do so too. Do a police report just in case. Dear, if he already did that to you, once he get to hold you through marriage, it’ll be easier for him to do you worse…better tell your family how he did you bad before things get worse. You can do it girl. Trust me, those tears he showed, it’s just temporary. And if he really is a narcissist as you said he is, he’d do whatever he gets just to get you back, whatever tears, promises. Those are just pretence

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lebih baik jangan. pernah kenal dengan orang macam ni dulu dan die takkan berubah sampai bila². buat keputusan angkat kaki blah dan kahwin dengan orang lain. walaupun pada mulanya kacau family kita kawan2 kita merayu. berbulan bertahun baru die move on. tapi u kena kuat jangan nak bagi peluang lagi. kalau tak kemudian hari u yang mnyesal sebab masih pilih die. i i cakap berdasarkan pengalaman sendiri

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2y ago

@Nurul Huda: betul. harap2 bakal isteri/isteri dia tak dapat nasib sama. dia akan play victim depan semua orang sampai orang percaya dengan apa yang dia cerita.

just one..please dont accept him if u dont want your life in disaster...even he kept apologize so many times..but this is matter of habit...anger issue...not all people can help to control it beside themself...if u want to become his punching bag after married please do so..but i know u r the wiser one...u know this man is not the right one for stop thingking more and leave him😊...if he tried something just do police report..its solved everything...😊

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put yourself first. do not hesitate to push him away from your life. let him cry and let him begging but stick to your BIG NO to accept him again. tell your family about his problems, you deserve better. do not make your self suffer for the rest of your life because of sympathy and second chance. sometime, second chance is invalid to some people.

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Red flags! You already have the answers for yourself - narcissist, abuser, anger problems, repeat offender. Find the courage within yourself to make the best decision💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼 You deserve someone who respects you.

Don’t give him a chance anymore..ask your family to protect you from that guys..kesian kan diri sendiri daripada kesiankan kekasih awak tu..belum jd suami dah berani angkat tangan & curang..jangan terpedaya dgn air mata dia kalau kantoi beberapa kali..belajar dari kesilapan & jangan biarkan berulang..semoga dipermudahkan urusan sis..

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Tolong jangan pilih untuk kahwin dengan lelaki macam ni. Lebih baik sakit berpisah sekarang dari merana di kemudian hari tambah kalau sudah ada anak. Kalau hanya kata sayang dan maaf di mulut, tapi tidak dengan perbuatan. Lebih baik pergi jauh sahaja. Hidup lebih aman, mental dan fizikal tidak sakit. Sayang diri dulu sis 🥰

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