Should i marry the guy who did this to me ?

He said he was sorry, he even cried and he even promised that he won't do it again. The reason i had that bruise was because that i caught him cheating on me when we were in a LDR. He didn't want to admit it and blamed it on me. On this 21st of Dec this year, i was suppose to be marrying this guy. Guess what, he did it again guys. Even though i gave him many chances, he took it for granted and he wasn't even sorry for it. He's a narcissists, abuser and also has anger managent. I already said its over and i cancel everything. I even blocked him on every socmed. But he kept calling my family, he said he was sorry again and he won't do it again and tears were falling. How on earth should i handle this type of guy ? Coz i have anxiety plus depression and if it includes this guy in my life, its a very messy life. #pleasehelp #advicepls #bantusharing #abuse #help

Should i marry the guy who did this to me ?
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Haii girl , for me is btter please stay away from him.. coz i da ada pengalaman kena pukul n so on . banyak kali .. n banyak kali i da suruh berubah n dia berubah tapi dia tak berubah dengan ikhlas n berubah pn kejap je .. then buat balik . frst mmg cubit lempang lama2 dia buat i sampai jatuh tangga dia tolak . so i decide untuk stay away n tinggal kan dia . now tht boy da kwin but i thnk dia akan brubah bile dengan another girl n bukan dengan kita .. so pada pndpat i btter u cari kebahagiaan u wth other person yg sgt memahami n tak sakiti hati dan fizikal perempuan 😘😘 u strong girl ..

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