21 Replies

Believe it is a difficult choice to made. Legally you can abort a baby before 24 week. But the bigger the baby are the more hurtful for your body. However suggest you do it at the hospital and check with the gynae. Do a semi confinement after that. Do reconsider about it and take care 😊

The best person to answer you would be a gynae. Please reconsider. You might be able to feel baby movements after 18weeks. Do talk to your family/partner or someone close to you ~ *hugs*

All the answers will be asking you to avoid getting an abortion, but if abortion is a better choice than go for it. Better to not bring the kid in this world if they are gonna suffer.

VIP Member

Please calm down and think twice as it’s a life after all and the baby will bring u hope. Do not live in regret due to moment of impulse.

VIP Member

check with your doctor would be safer.. but I feel its better to consider carefully before aborting... might regret in the future..

I know I’m just a stranger being nosy... but it’s still a life... pls think twice

Best to check with your gynae. But I do hope that you can reconsider your decision

Please don't abort, if it's due to financial issues, we wouldn't mind adoption.

hi, Please reconsider your decision and check with your gynae as well


Is best to chekc your with your doctor. Everyone body is different.

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