Recommended caterers
Any recommendations on suitable caterers for 1 year old bday party? TIA! :)

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Tried Elsie's Kitchen recently but the pan fried carrotcake is super hard that none of guests wanted to take it. Better to stick with Stamford!
I would suggest Neo Garden and for halal food I will go for deli hub their package is reasonable and the food are good.
We often go back to a few trusted ones: Orange Clove, Saybons, Orange Lantern and Mum’s Kitchen! 👍🏼
Can try Neo Garden! Then for desserts you can try Choz Confectionery, it's quite raved about by celebs as well.
Meihao99, Ronnie's Kitchen, YLS if no need Halal.. Stamford, Orange Clove if Halal needed
Can consider Manna Pot catering. their food selection is pretty extensive(:
What kind of food are you looking at? Is Halal a requirement?
Orange clove. You can try searching at too.
I like meihao99. Been ordering from them