second trim
Recently I got the pee feeling but once I go to toilet then no pee at all. Is this normal
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It is because of the pressure from your growing uterus! I had the same issue too but I would pee very little. As long as your private area doesn't hurt when you pee, it shouldn't be UTI.
VIP Member
It’s normal. It’s due to the growing uterus pressing on the bladder causing the urge feeling to pee.
Super Mum
Yes all the time! I always felt urgent go to toilet every hour but only few drops 😂
Super Mum
Yup normal... baby is probably pressing on ur bladder. .
Super Mum
Yup normal cause baby is pressing on your bladder
Yes as long as it doesn’t hurt. It’s normal!
VIP Member
so long no pain or burning feeling shld be okie
Usually got.but very little few drops. Lol
Yes is normal
Super Mum
It's normal
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