Recently, my baby, of all things picked up a habit. She likes to orh pi sai (dig her nose)! Hahaa it's so adorable but is it normal for 1 yo babies to do such things? P.s no I doubt she learnt it from me ;)

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Same! Mine did that when he was 12 Mths old , he liked to poke into his nose when there wasn't anything. I heard is they discovered the holes? Anyway he outgrown it .. now 13mth
I think there's no right or wrong. My daughter hasn't learned to do that at 15mths. Your girl is probably exploring this new sensation.
I would say it's totally normal, perhaps there was something stuck in her nose which was irritating her.
Yes it's very normal. Just make sure she isn't too curious to stuff her 'gold' into mouth after that.
Mine did that too! Recently she started to use two fingers to dig both at the same time!
It's okay, she is learning and exploring. just ensure she washes her hands later on.