Really getting annoyed when I wanted to buy a certain brand product (for example shampoo, Diapers, etc) for my baby to use & my mum will be there judging saying expensive doesn't mean it's good, buy the cheapest available one will do etc. when I try to explain why I decided to get the particular brand product, she will NEVER understand and agree..... worst is, we ended up being unhappy w one another lol. Honestly wish she would just keep her comments to herself, I have my reason for choosing certain product and ofcourse I want the best for my newborn ? Anyone facing the same issue?

Yes! I get this alot from my mum as her views are quite different from mine. My mil on the other hand is quite supportive of our choices since we are using our own money but would give her views on whether certain products are better (for example when we changed from onwards diapers to mamypoko thinking tat it is better for baby, she told us onwards fits our baby better so no need to waste money buying more exp one). I guess just take in whatever u think is helpful and filter off the rest haha
Read moreMy mil will does this. If we buy cheap one, she will say your sil will buy the expensive one. If we buy expensive one, she will say why want to spend money. If buy just nice size of kid shirt, she will say why buy so small can't wear long time. If buy bigger size, she will say to my son "why your mommy buy so big shirt". If buy durian she will say don't buy it's heaty better buy longan. When buy longan she said why buy longan not good later cough.
Read moreProbably you could try to catch her good mood and explain to her that you n hubby agrees to buy on certain products. Being a new parent you would like to experience things and hope to have her support. Totally understand this situation, approaching old folks need the right time and surroundings. I think she just want you to save up on things where possible cos having a baby is not cheap especially when they fall sick. Good luck ☘
Read moreIts era differences, 20-30years back, options are not available. All of us probably used the cheapest brand in the market which is johnson n johnson. And there is no such thing as baby's detergent etc. It is hard to let older generation understand. Have you considered using "white lies", maybe saying its free sampels, or got it at very special discount. Or gift from frens...
Read moreThe most important is u the mother got to be comfortable with it . U the mother ppl shud be respecting ur decisions . It's not about how branded or premium or cheap . Is whether u as the mother feel comfortable . Tell them isit they give birth or u give birth . I experience this but not from mil.
Ikr . *facepalm*
Not yet. But my solution to the problem is to not bring them when I buy all these. So I can slowly choose and decide. And sometimes I rather go alone without hubby also. Can take my own sweet time to see and ask the promoter. Hubby usually thinks all detergent and shower gel are the same. Hahaha...
Read morebut when I buy back, she start her nagging alr
Hi, This is very common and happens with our parents' generation. I would suggest try talking to your mum straight about this but politely. If that doesn't help, just respect her decisions and listen to them but take the brand that you feel is best for your LO
Just do grocery shopping alone. Also have a chat with your mom and set boundaries. Share with her the fact that you do your research before buying your baby products so you come from a well informed are before you decide on what to buy
Give and take Grannies all do that because they also want the best for their grandchild They are definitely more protective over their grandchild than their own children lol Maybe discuss and compare the products with granny and try
Read moreWell I just told my mom this is what I want for my baby and I think it's good haha, or to the extent of mom I know you meant well but this is how I want to do it, appreciate less ranting You will be surprised but it does work
just me