Just to rant
LO is one yr old and these 2 weeks she has been whining non stop the whole day.. my god.. this is driving me insane. I don't know what is wrong with her. One moment she is smiling and the next she's whining.
Not sleeping well, not eating solids well although from the beginning she doesn't take solid well but these 2 weeks was worst. Terrible I should say. She just wants to suck on breast like practically the whole day! And sometimes she bites on the nipple and it's so painful. ?
I'm so tired and don't know what to do. Feeling so lost.. tried all methods to soother the baby but seems useless. When she finally sleeps, less thn an hour ltr she wakes up and the whole cycle repeats.
7 Replies
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VIP Member
I will apply teething gel for them especially the night time.
If can let them sleep slightly elevated so that the blood flow won't rush to those aching gums.
Day time offer more teething stuffs for her to gnaw on. It will provide comfort for her.
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7y ago
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Sounds like teething. Cold teethers, slushies and cold yogurts can help numb pain/discomfort. If it proves too much discomfort that it disturbs her rest, you can give paracetamol to ease her pain or discomfort.
maybe too tired. best to try and set a routine for baby and see if things get better. give yourself more time. during periods like this we need to hang on tight.
It could be teething.
Apply teething gel for her especially during bedtime and before meal times.
Daytime give her something to bite on
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7y ago
VIP Member
could she be teething?
Usually molar teething are the worse.
7y ago
I'm guessing teething as well.. 😓😭 anyway to make them more comfortable and how Long do this phrase last?? Tks!