berat baby kamurang

pegi klinik scan baby 22 week pregnant, 400 gram.. & dR cakap mgkin baby girl.. im so excited.. ? 1st baby

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at 20 weeks my baby scan weight was 300g. my baby too shy to show the gender.😂 so i guess i need to wait for my 27weeks scan to know the baby gender that is if my baby is ready to open up and show

6y ago

sama sis..🤣🤣

Sya scan wktu bby 19weeks n my prince dgn x mlunya kc show his little bird haha... N berat my baby just 1++gram... So small But strong💪💪

6y ago cute

Alhamdulillah.. sy scan minggu 32, baby 1.853kg.. dan mungkin girl jugak. hehehe.. moga2 baby kita sihat2 ya. hehehe.. tc mommy

now my baby is 38 weeks already 😍 its a girl and my first pregnancy. doctor said her weight now is 3.3 kg 😅

Congrst sis, i wish i could get a girl to. Bcs this is our first babies too! Im happy for you dear,

same 😊 now i pregnant 22 week 6 days ..but baby 500 gram hehehe and mybe baby girl..

Mine was 33 weeks pregnant..2.2 excited for 2nd child..

Uiyooo ok la tu hehe tc always 😋