my baby is similar, i tried ridwind pescrive by doctor but does not help alot. now using the old school gripe water and it works wonders for me. baby less cranky. baby now on bellamy stage 1 mixed with nutramigen. previously only on bellamy and baby is constipated. nutramigen is gentle on baby's stomach so he poops every 1-1.5 days. try use baby stomach binder, helps prevent wind.
shes on Isomil n MAM bottle much different..pte PD says shes allergy to cows milk..but kkh PD not she dun wan her to b on isomil for long..mayb in 3 mths time wan to switch back to cows milk again n c how is it..
Maybe u can try Karihome goat milk, i read that goat milk is easier to digest. U may also want to try different bottle teats, those that are anti-colic.
what teat she using. is it she drink too fast . my baby is using Philip Avent bottle n size 1 teat . we use nan opti pro
there's size 0m and 0m+ maybe try the 0m bottle?
Is 120ml too much for your baby?
she will demand more milk if given any lesser..will end up overfeeding...
Can try S26 Gold.