Hi parents, how much water is recommended to give to LO once he started to take solids? Thank you!

I add a dash of water to all his purée whether it is store bought or home made. If Cereal, I also add abt 5-10ml more water. I also put water in a sippy cup for baby to have concept of drinking water during a meal time. If I see his poo is on the harder side I will also add abt 5-10ml more of water to his fm
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I give about 10 ml a day - basically 5-6 spoons after meal time or middle of the day when it's a Super hot day
hmm i just give eg after/between meals/milk . He will stop drinking on his own so i didnt monitor;)
I give about 50ml a day usually after meals. But he only drinks abit n will start playing with it
Just about 10 teaspoons at each meal..
Some water using bowl & spoon