clean baby tongue

Once baby drink milk the tongue all white white. How do clean it ?

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use a soft cloth soaked in boiled cool water and use it to wrap ard yr finger and gently scrub his/her tongue

Oral wipe or damp cloth. I clean everyday regularly to prevent any infections, recommended by polyclinic doctor.

Super Mum

Hi mummy, you can just use a clean cloth wet with boiled water to gently clean it :)

VIP Member

Dip soft towel into warm water and use the damp towel to gently wipe baby tongue

Use a damp clean cloth.. I'll usually boil if in water to sterilize first

VIP Member

I use wipe cloth to clean her tongue everyday since birth, so not white.

Soft cloth damped with water and gently clean

VIP Member

Use a clean cloth to wipe with boiled water.

Use tongue wipes U can buy NUK tongue wipes

thanks been wanting to do this